Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Keloid Scars & Hypertrophic Scarring

When we are affected by for example wounds, our body has its own healing mechanism. The healing process starts with the production of fibroblasts and skin cells. If these are produced at the same rate, wound healing will happen normally leaving a small scar that in time fades, but if the production is off, fibroblasts create a dense cluster that hinders the migration of skin cells. This is an abnormality better known as hypertrophic or keloid scarring.

What are Keloid and Hypertrophic Scars?

These, also known as raised scars, are the result of the body's overproduction of collagen when wound healing is taking place. An overproduction will create a raised scar that is limited to the site of the original wound. When the scar is limited to the site of the wound, this kind of scar is called a hypertrophic scar.

Keloid scar are different in that a keloid can grow beyond the site of the original lesion. They are uneven and can grow larger with time.

Because keloid scars grow beyond the area of the initial lesion, they are quite unattractive. Factors such as itchiness, painfulness and tenderness to the touch are normally something usual when dealing with a keloid scar.

Are there Treatments for Raised Scars?

Two of the most common options to treat raised scarring are compression therapy and corticosteroid injections.

Compression therapy is one of the most common treatments for raised scars. The method is to use something to compress the scar and the area around it, to limit the growth. This has also been know to reduce the actual scar, but treatment is not always successful.

Corticosteroids, specifically intralesional corticosteroid injections, are also a regular treatment to help healing of raised scars. This treatment reduces collagen synthesis, by altering glucosaminoglycan synthesis and by inhibiting the production of fibroblast proliferation during wound healing.

source: ezinearticles.com

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