Scar tissue is also known as adhesion and is formed when the original tissue is damaged by a serious physical injury, surgery or repetitive motions. As the tissues of the muscles, tendons, ligaments or nerves suffer any kind of damage, our body uses its natural mechanism to heal them up. In this process, it creates some new connective tissues that are fibrous in nature and it act as a barrier for the wound which when heals up lead to formation of scar tissue. However, this newly formed tissue is thicker and denser than normal tissue as it gets limited supply of blood and oxygen. When this weak and inflexible tissue is pulled, it cannot make movements like any other healthy tissue. This causes nerve inflammation and results in scar tissue pain.
Scar Tissue Pain Symptoms
The intensity and symptoms of the scar tissue pain largely depends on a number of factors such as severity of the injury that caused the scar, location of the scar, etc. A newly formed scar tissue is more painful and is often accompanied by itching, redness and tenderness. In some cases, the pain can be so severe that it may affect one's night sleep. Scar tissue pain after hysterectomy or any other abdominal surgeries is often accompanied by more serious symptoms as it restricts the movement various internal organs. The scar tissue can lead to intestinal obstruction and it give rise to abdominal pain, swelling of the abdomen, infrequent bowel movements, nausea and vomiting. In a more serious complication, where the bowel may get strangulated and the abdominal pain intensifies and affect the entire body system. As a result, the patient may suffer from mild to sever fever, low the blood pressure, high pulse rate, etc.
If a nerve gets compressed by the scar tissue, then the severity of the pain depends on the how badly the nerve is compressed. The pain could be continuous if the nerve is under constant compression. Otherwise, the pain would be felt intermittently as and when it interferes with the functioning of the nerve while doing some activities like sitting, walking, standing. In this condition, the accompanying symptoms include numbness and tingling sensation that can be felt not just in the affected tissue but in other parts of the body as well. For instance, trapped nerve in the cervical area can give symptoms on the hands. When the pain arises due to scar tissue putting pressure on the adjoining muscles, then weakness is felt that particular part of the body.
Scar Tissue Pain Relief
Those who get mild to moderate scar tissue pain infrequently can reduce it with the help of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory. When irritation is felt along with the pain, then topical ointments like antihistamines and corticosteroids are used to provide relief. Besides, there is a medicine known as interferon which is administered through injection and it promotes growth of healthy collagen tissue. Sometimes, surgical option is availed to treat the pain in the scar tissue. However, surgical option is not suitable for all kinds of scars. It is good particularly if it is thin and linear. For this reason, scar tissue pain after c-section can be reduced to a great extent with help of surgery.
Alternatively, the pain can be treated with silicone gel sheeting that improves the elasticity and flexibility of the scar tissue. Sometimes, ultrasonic waves are used to heat the scarred tissue which in turn make them less rigid and aid in scar tissue removal. Massaging the scar also helps to soften up the tissues. It should be done by a trained therapist who will massage the skin by moving the fingers on the scar in circular motions. This will release the tension from the thick tissue normalize blood supply to certain extent. The massage is followed by application of vitamin E lotion that have a soothing effect on the painful site.
Pain in the scar tissue after surgery can be prevented only if the wound is well taken care of during healing. Compression bandages should be used for closing up of the wound properly. Application of vitamin E creams and oral intake of vitamin E supplements can speed up the healing process and help in reducing scar tissue. It is also important to protect the wound so that the size of the opening does not increase any further.