Friday, January 29, 2010


All resurfacing procedures can lead to infection and scarring. It is also possible that skin coloration will be altered, or that redness of the skin will be prolonged for many months. Some of the peeling agents used in deep chemical peels can affect the function of the heart.

Normal result
Depending on the resurfacing techniques selected, it is possible to improve the appearance of skin damaged by sun, age, or disease in many people. Skin resurfacing techniques address only the surface of the skin; procedures such as face-lift surgery or blepharoplasty may be needed to repair other age-related skin changes. All resurfacing procedures are accompanied by some pain, redness, and skin color changes. These may persist for several months following the procedure, but they usually resolve over time.

Abnormal result
As noted above, resurfacing procedures can reactivate herpesvirus infections or lead to new, sometimes serious infections. All resurfacing techniques intentionally create skin wounds, creating the possibility for scarring. Abnormal results such as these can be minimized with use of antiviral medications prior to the procedure and good wound care afterward. Selection of an experienced, reputable provider also is key.

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