Hypertrophic scar treatment is a unique method of repairing scars. Scarring of the skin are usually of two kinds - keloid and hypertrophic. Skin marks are considered hypertrophic when the injured tissue heals and forms a reddish lump which does not extend beyond the actual wound. Though these are abnormal looking, these skin blemishes repair with time. But in some cases, they become permanent and then hypertrophic scar treatment is required for their removal.
There is a wide variety of scar treatments. You must know that whatever might be your process for removal, scars can never be actually removed. Scar removing treatments leave a trace behind. A few techniques are elaborated below:
Needling treatment - This is one of the most affordable hypertrophic scar treatments. One of its advantages is that it can be done at home with special scarring needles.
Silicone treatment - This hypertrophic treatment erases the most of the scarring traces. This method is normally used by plastic surgeons. Silicone gel sheets moisturize the scar and fade out the discoloration so that it matches the surrounding skin.
Steroid injections - Steroid injection is a very common method that is used in hypertrophic scar healing. Here, steroids are injected directly into the scar every month until the scar is suitably flattened.
Collagen injections - Just like a few cosmetic procedures, collagen injections are also used in hypertrophic scar treatment. This type of treatment pertains to those scars which sink into the skin. This method of treatment helps to maintain the scar level.
Radiotherapy - In severe cases, scars can be open to the elements of radiotherapy or can also be stitched up. However, these treatments are risky as it involves opening the wounds.
New and improved treatments methods are being developed with proper research, for the treatments of scars. Now, with such advanced technology, these scars are no more a cause of worry.
source: ezinearticles.com
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Five Effective Techniques For Hypertrophic Scar Treatment
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