Saturday, March 13, 2010

Hypertrophic Scar Treatment

When it comes to hypertrophic scars, there are very few successful treatments currently available. The reason for these limitations in available treatments mainly has to do with the difficulty of eradication the scar since it is most notably reported as a reoccurring scar. What this means is that while many of the treatments may seem like they work immediately following the procedure, after a few months they come back. It is not yet clear as to why the hypertrophic scars for this but many dermatologists have their theories associated with it.

In any type of injury to the dermis, the body's natural reaction to it is to form a scar. This scar being formed is similar to that of a callous forming when you work too hard. It is just a natural defense mechanism to prevent any further injuries. In most cases the outermost layers of skin are damaged and therefore the scar can easily be remedied by removing these layers of skin. Unfortunately with the hypertrophic scars, they form under the papillary layer of skin which means it cannot just be eradicated with the normal scar remedies.

The worst type of scar you can get is of course a keloid with the scar being in a close second. The reasons for this is that just like a regular scar the hypertrophic scar only affects the traumatized area of skin but the keloids affect outside of this area.

The reasons that many people are looking at remedying a scar is that it is more common than that of a keloid scar and can even occur as a direct result of a surgical procedure. While they are reoccurring the hypertrophic scars also digress quicker which means that they are more likely to respond to a scar treatment than a keloid would.

The treatments that are available for scars vary on the actual scar. If it is a very noticeable scar it is also more likely to be harder to eradicate. If you have a scar and are looking at getting rid of it then your best option is to seek out a certified dermatologist who is better equipped at giving you the best treatment options for your scar.


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