Saturday, March 13, 2010

Understanding the Cause and Treatment of Keloids and Hypertrophic Scars

Keloid scars as well as hypertrophic scars are very unique in that they can actually grow and expand. While Hypertrophic scars are able to grow, Keloids are the only type of scar that can expand beyond the boundaries of the original wound area. Both of these types of scars are caused by the excessive deposition of collagen. Unfortunately, some of those affected by these types of wounds end up with extremely large, cyst like growths on their body. Furthermore, Keloids can develop at multiple locations on the body at the same time.

The Development of Keloids

Keloids can develop following any trauma to the skin including a minor abrasion. This means that a simple cut can turn into a very large and discolored wound. However, in some instances Keloids can develop spontaneously while Hypertrophic scars always develop following an injury.

Both of these types of wounds typically occur in the ethnic groups such as from African, Polynesian, or South Pacific origin. However, any group can develop these types of wounds. One of the most common reasons for the development of Keloids is a puncture wound such as a body piercing.

Hypertrophic and Keloid Scar Treatments - Options

There are a variety of treatment options to choose from once you develop either a Hypertrophic or Keloid. While some may assume that surgery is the best overall option, consider the fact that surgically removing this type of wound is not only expensive, but it also runs the risk of another scar returning 50% of the time. These are not very good odds considering the risk and cost of surgery.

Injection therapy

Another keloid scar treatment option used to reduce the appearance of Keloids is injection therapy. This method involves multiple injections given per week. While this method has shown to have some positive results, there are some significant drawbacks such as the potential to develop multiple side effects. Additionally, these injections are very expensive.

Silicone Keloid Scar Treatments

A silicone based keloid scar treatment is considered by many skin care professionals as the best overall option for reducing the size, color, and pain associated with Keloids and Hypertrophic scars. Please click on the links provided below to compare a variety of scar products.

There are many different scar products to choose from. Please click on the following links to learn more about a variety of available Scar Treatments.


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