If you have areas of unwanted hair that cause you distress, or are just too much effort to manage by shaving, plucking or waxing, laser hair reduction could be the answer. Intense pulsed light therapy (IPL) and laser therapy are two methods that can achieve hair reduction. They can be used on large and small areas of hair on the body or face anywhere except near your eye.
During laser hair reduction, the beam from the laser or IPL device is focused onto the area of skin that has the unwanted hair. The hair follicle absorbs the light and heats up, destroying the hair with the aim of preventing re-growth. An individual treatment of IPL or laser therapy will thin out the hair to start with. So, for the best results, a series of treatments is usually required.
When you receive laser hair reduction treatment at Spire you will have the procedure performed by an experienced specialist in the safe and comfortable surroundings of a private hospital. As with any cosmetic procedure, it is important that you review your expectations thoroughly before you decide to proceed. Your specialist will explain the results you can expect, and will discuss the associated risks and alternatives to the procedure before going ahead.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Laser hair reduction
- Scar revision performed
- Forms of acne scars
- Silicone scar bandage
- Best treatments for acne scars
- Laser skin resurfacing
- Scar revision surgery
- Acne scars causes and treatment
- Revision after plastic surgery
- Remove scars with lser surgery
- Treatment options
- Treat acne scars
- Preparation for laser hair removal
- Can scars be completely removed?
- Scar revision facts
- Chemical peel
- Cosmetic surgery for men
- Laser tattoo removal
- Home remedies for acne scars
- Acne scar treatment options
- Psychological aspects
- laser removal of brown spot
- Laser hair reduction
- Types of anesthesia
- Plastic surgery and patient care
- Laser vein treatment
- About laser hair removal
- Acne scar removal procedure
- Happenning after scar revision