Friday, February 12, 2010

Types of anesthesia

Three basic types of anesthesia are used for plastic surgery procedures. A local injection, which numbs only the immediate area to be operated on, is used mainly for less invasive procedures. Local injection plus sedation allows the patient to remain awake, yet relaxed through the entire procedure and is a common type of anesthesia used for cosmetic surgery procedures. General anesthesia, which allows a patient to sleep though the procedure, is usually used when large areas of the body are involved, or in children.

Whether a procedure is performed in an in-office surgical facility, a hospital, or a freestanding surgery center usually depends upon the complexity of the operation and the plastic surgeon's recommendation.
For cost-containment and convenience, an increasing number of procedures -- especially cosmetic operations -- are being performed in freestanding or office-based surgical facilities on an outpatient basis. Patients planning to have surgery in this type of facility should ensure that it is properly equipped and staffed, that it has access to a nearby hospital, that the anesthesia will be administered by a well-trained professional, and that the doctor has privileges to perform the same procedure at an accredited hospital.

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