Friday, February 12, 2010

laser removal of brown spot

Are you seeing spots? High-energy pulsing lasers can safely and effectively remove many unwanted brown and red spots on your skin, including liver spots, age spots, sun spots, broken capillaries, birthmarks, and angiomas (red spots). Once the lasers do their job, you can have a more even skin tone. Laser treatments usually take 15 minutes to an hour, depending on the size, color, and depth of the spot, as well as the number of spots to be treated. Most treatments do not require any anesthetic, and all are done on an outpatient basis. Red spots can usually be treated in one to two visits. Brown spots may require two to three visits. Broken capillaries or red-colored scars may need multiple treatments.

When removing red spots, the skin is often reddened or bruised for 7 to 10 days after the treatment and may sting like a sunburn for a few hours. Removing brown spots forms an abrasion and also temporarily reddens the skin. After each treatment, you can resume your normal activities immediately, although you should keep the treated area out of the sun for at least 6 weeks, or as long as your doctor advises. Once the area is healed, you should protect it with sunblock with an SPF of 30 or higher whenever it is exposed to the sun.
Side effects may include hypopigmentation (lightening of the treated skin) or hyperpigmentation (darkening of the treated skin). Laser treatment will not stop new spots from forming. Your doctor will discuss with you all the risks and benefits of treatment during your consultation.

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